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At Aaretoblue, we are dedicated to fostering connections with a diverse range of cultures, lifestyles, and communities across various settings, including urban, peri-urban, rural, and conflict zones in the countries where we operate. Our extensive network provides our clients with valuable insights from across Africa and parts of the Middle East, all effectively managed within a single platform.
With the support of our dedicated and knowledgeable team, our clients can have confidence that their studies are in the hands of experts, well-acquainted with these rich and varied cultures. We strive to ensure that our client’s experience is both seamless and enjoyable.

We offer fully integrated data and insights services

Our extensive experience in running diverse Quantitative and Qualitative studies, coupled with our comprehensive understanding of all aspects within the East, South, Central, and West African markets, including the local community’s culture, infrastructure, legal framework, and business climate, positions us as a trusted partner for a successful collaboration with multiple stakeholders.

Years of experience

Project AAB CATI survey - Tanzania: AaretonBlue, RTI & CDC Foundation

This study sought to collect data on various health topics in Tanzania. Topics of interest included tobacco use, alcohol use, diet, physical exercise, and non-communicable diseases (NCDs). The survey targeted the adult population aged 18 years and above in mainland Tanzania and the islands of Zanzibar and Pemba.

Farmer Managed Natural Regeneration – Zambia: AaretonBlue, BCG Australia & World Vision

Due to climate change, there has been an increase in land degradation which has continually undermined the ability of households to provide for their children. In line with this, World Vision Zambia Commissioned the Behavior Change Collaborative in partnership with AaretonBlue Africa to run a study in Zambia, between September and October 2023 on FMNR (Farmer managed Natural Regeneration).

From Our trusted clients

Our Clients Across USA, Europe & Africa

Building on our significant experience running social and development studies across the region, we have recently expanded our operations to the Middle East.

  1. For qualitative studies, we help our clients with refining the tools, translating materials when needed and recruiting the right respondents. We also moderate sessions and provide you with videos, audio recordings, transcripts, and a high-level report if you’d like. Everything we do is tailored to the client’s unique needs. For Qual studies, we support focus groups, in-depth interviews (IDIs), workshops, and product tests!

  2. For our quantitative studies, we use both CATI and face-to-face methods, depending on what works best for gathering insights. In Africa, while face-to-face interviews may be a bit pricier, they often lead to deeper insights, which we find really valuable. Just like with our qualitative studies, we make sure to review the tools, translate everything into different languages if needed, build sampling frames, script the tools, and run data collection with a strong focus on quality control. We provide our clients with data formats like SPSS or Excel. Plus, if you’d like, we can also help with analysis.